Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Minnie is a Fat Ass

Really she is not. She is a Skinny Minnie. However, she eats a lot. She is constantly standing in front of her plate and just stares at it as if magically, food will appear. She is well fed, I swear, but sometimes she thinks she has to eat RIGHT NOW. Every morning I am awakened from licking. Minnie is either licking away my arm or my hand and once I woke up to her licking my chest. Its her *special* way of letting me know, she's hungry. She will scavenge her dried up wet cat food crumbs discarded around her plate. Today she really went too far. I was cleaning out our "pantry" which is really our Junk closet. I found a bag that was chock full of random things like lipstick, tools, loose change, sand paper and old dry cat food. It was spread out all over the floor and somehow it did not occur to me that she may eat it. She loves that closet, loves to climb all over it and through it and suddenly I realized she was not exploring, she was mackin' on some old cat food! I couldn't drag her out because she had squeezed her skinny ass into a spot I could not pull her out of. Before I knew it, it was all gone and she was frantically looking for more. This cat is crazy.